The Bridge School is excited to announce the University Module entitled, Introducing Children with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI): An Interprofessional Education Module for Preservice and Inservice Educators.  

The module is for students/practitioners/faculty. The purpose is to increase awareness of the unmet needs of children with complex needs who have cortical visual impairment or CVI, the most common cause of visual impairment in western nations today. Goals are to: 

  • support instructors from multiple disciplines to embed information about CVI into their existing coursework/trainings;
  • advocate for interprofessional educational content in courses at a preservice and in-service level to better serve the needs of children with complex needs; 
  • engage students from multiple disciplines through stories to increase their awareness of and information about children with CVI.   

Components of the module include:  

  • A one-minute introductory video
  • Three stories. Each video (about 5 minutes long) tells the story about one child with complex needs and CVI and are told from different perspectives: An educator, a speech-language pathologist and a parent.  
  • PowerPoint slide deck. This provides basic information about vision and children with CVI and can be personalized by the instructor to fit the needs of the course. 
  • A video of the slide deck narrated by Dr. Christine Roman Lantzy.  

An Instructor’s Manual provides suggestions for learning objectives, discussion questions and additional resources and references. 

The University Module is funded in part by Ability Central Philanthropy. All materials are free to use, however you must register and create a login to access materials.