Bridge to Life Services @The Bridge School

Bridge to Life CVI Services @The Bridge School

The ultimate goals of Bridge to Life include:

  • serving individuals with physical and/or communication impairments from birth through adulthood, locally, nationally and globally 
  • providing professional development opportunities in our areas of expertise 
  • contracting with families, agencies and school districts to offer direct services to students with severe physical impairments and complex communication needs

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Webinar 9: Effective Interaction Strategies for Children with CVI and CCN

CVI@The Bridge School

Latest Events CVI@The Bridge School

2023 Summer Workshop – Addressing the Needs of Students with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Complex Communication Needs (CCN) in the Classroom Setting.

The CVI Range Assessment provides a framework to systematically and consistently develop and utilize intervention for a student with CVI. At The Bridge School, these interventions support:

  • increasing students’ opportunities to learn and utilize language that describes what and how we see,
  • increasing students’ access to curriculum and educational environments,
  • supporting development of AAC and AT tools using a student’s individual CVI profile as a guide.

Although outcomes have varied in degree and reflect more than a student’s CVI, overall students with CVI at The Bridge School have benefited from The CVI Range Assessment interventions.