Cortical Visual Impairment: An approach to assessment and intervention (2nd ed.)

Roman-Lantzy, C. (2018). Cortical Visual Impairment: An approach to assessment and intervention (2nd ed.). AFB Press
Roman-Lantzy’s 2007 (original) and 2018 (updated) book describes cortical visual impairment, provides information about it causes, and outlines the visual and behavioral characteristics that children with CVI present with. Both books highlight the primacy role of parents.
These books explain the CVI Range, a functional vision assessment and outline its value in planning programs and interventions that benefit children with CVI.
Cortical Visual Impairment: Advanced principles.

Roman-Lantzy, C. (2019). Cortical Visual Impairment: Advanced principles. AFB Press
- Blackstone, S. W., & Roman-Lantzy, C. (2019). Children with CVI and complex communication needs. In C. Roman-Lantzy (Ed.), Cortical visual impairment: Advanced principles (pp. 58–91). AFB Press.
- Tietjen, M. (2019). The “What ’s the Complexity” framework. In C. Roman-Lantzy (Ed.), Cortical visual impairment: Advanced principles (pp. 92–159). AFB Press
Dr. Roman-Lantzy provides additional insights, inviting collaborators. Chapter topics address Phase III CVI; Paths to literacy for students with CVI; the development of social skills; CVI and orientation and mobility; considerations for the CVI Range with regard to children with CVI and deafblindness.
Matt Tietjen introduces The Complexity Framework, offering a structured, systematic approach to designing a visually accessible school day for individuals with CVI.
Drs. Roman-Lantzy and Blackstone introduce a Vision, Language, Learning, Communication (VLLC) Framework to help transcend the persistent professional silos that segment practices in ways that do not work for children with complex needs.